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Our films tell our story

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Films: Text

          Our 5th Birthday Party 

How has Works+ helped you?


A short film for out 5th Birthday  celebration in November 2023. 

"I hated school!"

When simply dropping out seemed the only option,

Works+ helped Grace put a plan together that transformed her outlook and her future prospects.

Films: Video
Films: Youth Programs

Works+ is an extended team effort.


This film highlights the army of partners, supporters, fixers and enablers that ensure our young people access the right services and opportunities.


What is Works+ and how does it help?

Follow participants of our first project to find how they all progressed to a positive destination within 10 weeks.


Works+ offers a range of interventions and, for some, that means 1:1 sessions rather than group work.

With support, it's possible to access the help you need and turn those difficult days around.


Overcoming isolation is the theme of this beautiful, moving film.

Every young person has their own, unique Works+ journey. The recording of the song and making the video were cathartic experiences for this young person.


100 Heads


Premiered in 2019 as the Scottish Borders submission to the Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival, 100 Heads asks the disarmingly simple question, "How do you feel today?" 


Too Much Fortnite        Starting Again

2:05                           2:36

Works+ regularly delivers 'early-intervention' projects with under 16s. Here are two examples of Creative Recording workshops delivered at Selkirk High. The young people learned how to record and produce the songs they wrote before making the videos.

Produced in partnership with Dawn Berry Arts.


Part of Darren McGarvey's 6 part BBC investigation into the impact of poverty on Scotland's communities in this Bafta-nominated series, first aired in 2019.

Thanks to Tern. 

bowhill better print.jpg

Building bridges and establishing new pathways on an historic Borders' estate.

In partnership with Bowhill House, we encourage our youngsters to embrace hard graft. This is an extended version of the film, and includes the path-building squad's blood, sweat and tears.

This monumental project provided a lightbulb moment for many clients, resulting in qualifications, confidence, college applications, employment and dirty fingernails.

Films: Image

A Day In The Life


The Table





We love working with the National Galleries of Scotland!

We welcome regular visits from the outreach officers on inspiring, anarchic, game-changing projects.

A Day In The Life is a reflection on isolation and featured in NGS's 2019 Beings exhibition.

Joshua's Table is one participant's musings on modern day morality.

Badlands finds the foxes in dispute with the knights over land rights. Can they resolve their differences?

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